
Enhancing WordPress Security: 14 Comprehensive Practices

A laptop displaying the WordPress dashboard with a shield icon and lock symbol, indicating enhanced security. The background features a modern workspace with additional security elements such as padlocks, security cameras, and a firewall icon

WordPress Security is a critical aspect to ensure the safety of your website and data. Given its popularity, WordPress often becomes a target for cyber-attacks. This guide provides detailed strategies to enhance your WordPress site’s security.

 Is WordPress Secure?

WordPress is inherently secure, thanks to its dedicated security team and global community. However, its open-source nature necessitates additional security measures to maintain its integrity.

A laptop displaying the WordPress dashboard with a shield icon and lock symbol, indicating enhanced security. The background features a modern workspace with additional security elements such as padlocks, security cameras, and a firewall icon

Ensuring robust WordPress security with comprehensive practices and modern cybersecurity measures

 Common Risks and Vulnerabilities

Common attack vectors include outdated software, weak passwords, and insecure plugins/themes. Regular updates and strong security practices are vital to mitigating these risks.

Essential Practices to Secure Your WordPress Site

 1. Keep WordPress and Plugins Updated

Importance: Regular updates are critical as they often include security patches for newly discovered vulnerabilities.

Regular Checks: Regularly check your WordPress dashboard for updates.
Automatic Updates: Enable automatic updates for minor releases.
Backup Before Updating: Ensure to back up your site before updating to avoid potential data loss.

– Use plugins like Easy Updates Manager to manage updates effectively.

 2. Use Security Plugins

Importance: Security plugins provide comprehensive protection, including malware scanning, firewalls, and brute force protection.

Recommended Plugins:
Wordfence: Offers real-time threat defense, malware scanning, and a firewall.
– iThemes Security: Provides features such as two-factor authentication, brute force protection, and security logging.

Here a set up tutorial 


– Install and configure these plugins based on your specific security needs.
– Regularly review security logs and reports to stay informed about potential threats.

3. Secure Your Login

Importance: Login pages are common targets for brute force attacks. Securing them reduces the risk of unauthorised access.

Change Default Login URL: Use plugins like **WPS Hide Login** to customise your login URL.
Strong Usernames and Passwords: Avoid using common usernames like “admin” and create complex, unique passwords. Use password managers to generate and store passwords.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Implement 2FA using plugins like **Google Authenticator** or **Authy** for an additional layer of security.

4. Hide Your WordPress Version

Importance: Hiding your WordPress version helps prevent attackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities specific to your version.

Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file to hide the version number:
remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘wp_generator’);
Use security plugins that automatically hide the version number.

5. Use the Latest PHP Version for WordPress security

Importance: PHP is the scripting language behind WordPress. Newer versions are more secure and efficient.

Check PHP Version: Navigate to Site Health > Info > Server to check your current PHP version.
Upgrade PHP: Upgrade to the latest PHP version through your hosting provider’s control panel.

– Improved performance.
– Enhanced security features.

 6. Choose a Secure Hosting Provider

Importance: A secure hosting provider forms the foundation of your site’s security.

Recommended Providers:
HostHelp: Offers specialised WordPress hosting with features like daily backups, robust security protocols, and dedicated WordPress support. HostHelp ensures your site is protected against potential threats with proactive measures and cutting-edge technology.

– Ensure your hosting provider offers regular backups, firewalls, and malware scanning.
– Consider managed WordPress hosting for additional security benefits and peace of mind.

 7. Implement HTTPS and SSL Certificates

Importance: HTTPS encrypts data transmitted between the user and your site, enhancing WordPress security and user trust.

Obtain SSL Certificate: Get an SSL certificate from your hosting provider or a third-party service like Let’s Encrypt.
Configure HTTPS: Ensure your site uses HTTPS by default.
Update Internal Links: Update all internal links and resources to use HTTPS.

– Use plugins like **Really Simple SSL** to simplify tThe World’s Most Trusted WordPress Backup Plugin – UpdraftPlushe transition to HTTPS.

8. Protect the wp-config.php File

Importance: The wp-config.php file contains crucial configuration settings for your WordPress installation.

Change Table Prefixes: During installation or using plugins like **WP-DBManager**, change the default table prefix from “wp_” to something unique.
Move wp-config.php: Move the wp-config.php file outside the public_html directory to make it harder for attackers to access.

Code Example:
– Relocate wp-config.php by moving it one directory above the WordPress installation directory.

9. Regular Backups enhance WordPress security

Importance: Regular backups ensure that you can quickly restore your site in case of a security breach or data loss.

– Schedule regular backups using plugins like UpdraftPlusor  BackupBuddy
– Store backups in secure, off-site locations like cloud storage or external drives.

– Use VaultPress for automated backups and security scans.

10. Limit Login Attempts for WordPress security

Importance: Limiting login attempts helps prevent brute force attacks by restricting the number of failed login attempts.

– Use plugins like Limit Login Attempts Reloaded to set limits on login attempts.
– Configure the plugin to lock out users after a specific number of failed attempts.

11. File Permissions and Monitoring

Importance: Proper file permissions and monitoring can prevent unauthorised access to sensitive files and enhance WordPress security

– Set appropriate file permissions for WordPress directories and files. Typically, directories should have 755 and files should have 644 permissions.
– Use file monitoring plugins like Sucuri Securityto detect and alert you about any unauthorised file changes.

 12. Disable XML-RPC

Importance: XML-RPC can be exploited for brute force attacks and should be disabled if not in use.

– Disable XML-RPC by adding the following code to your .htaccess file:
# Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests
<Files xmlrpc.php>
order deny,allow
deny from all

. Regular Security Audits

Importance: Regular WordPress security audits help identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

– Conduct regular security audits using tools like WPScan.
– Review audit reports and take necessary actions to fix any identified issues.

14. Educate Users to WordPress security

Importance: Educating users about WordPress security best practices can prevent many common security issues.

– Provide training on strong password creation and safe login practices.
– Encourage users to report any suspicious activity immediately.


Securing your WordPress site involves a combination of regular updates, strong security practices, and reliable tools. By following these comprehensive strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and create a safer environment for your content and users.

Additional Resources

By implementing these measures, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a secure and resilient WordPress site.

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